Friday, May 23, 2014

Tori Arrived May 13th

Victoria Hannah Trevino 'Tori' arrived on May 13th at 4:16am. We were in total shock that we had (have!) a girl! She weighed 7 lb 6 oz and 19.5in. long. I had weeks of early labor and by her due date of Monday, May 12th I was exhausted and ready to hold my baby. I went into the hospital at 10pm that night, and was ready to order the birthing tub. I was in and out of the tub all night, but the water felt great and I would truly recommend it to anyone who wants to have a natural birth. I was also able to labor with my bag of waters in tact until pushing which I really think helped keep my pain level down. After Tori was born, I was able to hold her for several minutes before I got to check her gender for myself-- and I was shocked and SO very excited to meet my baby girl. And daddy was in complete awe! Then she snuggled with me in the water for a long time after that while daddy poured water over her head to keep her warm. She never cried when she was born, it was so peaceful and calm. 

This is our first COMPLETE family picture taken May 13th at around 9am. I honestly know that our family is complete and we couldn't be more happy to add a baby princess! 

These pictures were taken May 14th as we left the hospital at 11am. 

These are just some pictures that I wanted to take to have for myself after seeing some like this -- probably on Pintrest. The top picture was taken on May 10th and the bottom picture was taken May 14th. 

These are Tori's big brothers- that love their sissy!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Waiting for Baby

I am 4 days away from my due date and waiting for baby to make his/her appearance. I feel ready for labor and have been nauseas and then not, cramping then not, achey then not. I'm just waiting for the real thing... any moment now. I had no plans this week- which was good and bad. I don't think I could have handled much, yet I am still trying to get out. I walked the boys to the park almost a mile away this morning, and then back home up the hill. I swung at the park... hoping today is the day. If nothing else, the walk wore me out and I was able to nap well today while the boys napped. Speaking of the boys, they are still asleep! The walk to the park was definitely worth it!

We have packed our hospital bags. 
Mine includes:
nursing bras
coming home outfit- summer dress
bathroom bag - to be grabbed at the last minute

hubby's bag:
change of clothes 
gym shorts
baby boy coming home outfit
baby girl coming home outfit
yellow footie pajamas
yellow hat
1 baby blanket
car seat

I am looking forward to writing another post -SOON- announcing the birth of our baby!