Thursday, October 16, 2014

Tori is 5 Months

Tori is such a happy delightful baby! We have truly been blessed and I wish she could stay my sweet "baby-doll!" But we are seeing the early bits of her personality and it is so much fun! She loves her "Molly Dolly" and Sophie and any other stuffed animals and will reach out for them! She can roll over to her back and to her belly but won't do it on request. She likes to suck on her left toes and her left thumb occasionally. She is still drooling like crazy but does not have any teeth yet. She is starting to sit but not without frequently toppling over. She loves to be around her brothers and watch them play or 'talk' to them. We haven't started giving her 'food' yet but she likes to sit in the highchair during mealtimes to socialize with us. 

It has been a crazy last few months and I predict it is only going to get crazier once Little Missy starts moving! Ahhh- I can't even think about that yet, but I know it won't be long!


 We went to Disneyland with all 3 kids... and survived! Funny, but I wanted to go for MY birthday! I wanted to see the looks on their precious faces when they met the characters... before their old enough to understand they are all just costumes and that it's not magic. And even though my 4 year old 'knew' they were all in costume he was still amazed and in awe!

This is our first night. We headed to Downtown Disney to eat and shop after our 6 hour car ride to Anahiem. I wish their had been a good place for the boys to stretch their legs after the car ride, but I understand their lack of a park (slides, swings, etc.) - it would be too crazy. So after the long car ride and sitting at dinner we attempted to walk around but it was so crowded. We went back to the near-Disney hotel and slept pretty well. 

 This is our family meeting Minnie Mouse and our sweet girl LOVING Minnie!

And our awesome boys loving their chocolate ice cream cones! And yes that is the creation made per Drew's request  ... "can you add a cherry" and "the fluffy white, pfffffttt stuff from a can" (aka whip cream), "oh and sprinkles!" He knows just what he wants and is not scared to ask for it! Glad that everyone at Disney was so happy to make their day!   

Goodbye Disneyland! So glad we went and SO glad when it was over because we were thoroughly exhausted! Yes I did put names on our shirts- they were just iron on but I wanted to make the occasion special and I also thought it might help if a boy got lost. :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Baby T is 3 months

T's 3 month picture taken 2 days late because we have been so busy! I did take a picture of her on the 13th in her jammies because I remembered right before bed to get a picture- but she was so tired and ready for bed. She weighs 14 lb 2 oz (almost double her birth weight)!

 We took a trip to LA to visit the beach at the beginning of August and had so much fun! Everyone loved the beach even more than I expected them to. And the first family road trip in the mini van went wonderfully. We can't wait to go back- wish we could go every weekend to escape the Las Vegas heat. 

Tis now sleeping in her crib at night from 9pm-6am most nights and she is definitely not a newborn anymore, but she is laughing and cooing and really beginning to engage. I can't believe we have been living in Vegas for 4 1/2 months now and once preschool starts in another week, I know that time is going to start flying. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Baby T is 2 Months

We have been blessed with a wonderfully happy baby girl. Some things have fallen right into place while other aspects of our life have struggled. 
Sleep- I would say this is one area where I have been doing pretty well. Wohoo- and probably due to the co-sleeping (see previous post). Baby T has yet to sleep in her crib at all... now she is often sleeping in the pack n play or baby rocker by our bed. She has also started feeding only about 6 times a day and usually at about the same times. It has really helped me be able to get out of the house and go to activities without always having my shirt up... or down. ha And start doing The Shred.

Most of our problems have had to do with the boys... at this age they don't exactly tell you that they do not like sharing mommy with a baby, and they don't even understand their frustration. But I could tell when J started crying for mommy every night and staying up crying for an hour or more till someone came to lay with him and all the sudden having separation anxiety at church when he NEVER faced this before. He did not have separation anxiety when we moved to San Antonio or here to Las Vegas, only since he has had a baby sister. J is doing better as he gets used to having sissy around and sharing mommy, but it has just been gradual. And we have put J in some soccer classes which we all go and watch, and he feels like he is getting to shine. He can dribble the ball all the way across the field! 

And D, oh my 4 year olds - I never thought he would try us so much... he was stubborn at 2 and so sweet at 3, but 4... He has learned how to talk back and to get his brother to do the 'dirty work' anytime he can to not get the punishment himself. We have been exasperated with him and he with us, but we have begun to make a dedicated effort to teaching him about respect and obeying right away with a happy heart and he has really does well with boundaries that are enforced. We have been re-reading "Don't Make Me Count to Three." We left Fort Worth right in the middle of reading this book and it was a perfect time to pick it back up. We have had to force ourselves to have more energy and not let our discipling slide now with having a newborn around. With this D has started karate, which he loves. I never thought of karate as an activity for my kids, I don't know what I did plan for them... I really don't understand boys! D loves it and mostly because he wants to learn to spar with other kids. Oh my- I guess at least it is controlled well. 

Saturday, June 21, 2014


I, well actually 'we,' have been co-sleeping with our baby girl since she was born. It wasn't intentional at first, we were just trying to get any sleep we could with each of our 3 kids waking up at different times throughout the night. And I really didn't co-sleep much with my boys much for lots of reasons (1) they were noisy sleepers, (2) daddy was worried of rolling over on them, (3) one of them would never stop nursing in bed ... ever, (4) I didn't insist on it. But, this sweet little girl is my last baby and she is such a doll! And she sleeps great next to me- 6 hours last night -at 5 weeks! Not sure I want to move her to a bed because I am just starting to get enough sleep to feel human again. And daddy has also encouraged co-sleeping this time around, as he also knows this will be our last baby. We are trying to soak up all this time with her because it seems like the more kids you have, the faster time goes by.

I know that co-sleeping is controversial and not recommended by many, but I am happy with our choice for now even if it may be difficult to move her into her own room later.

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Naptime has been sacred around my house since I put my firstborn on a schedule around 3 months old. We have lived our life around said schedule. This may be crazy to some but it is what has kept our family sane- well at least me! Our designated naptime is approximately 1-3 pm and this means we are home at this time EVERYDAY (weekends included). We have rarely made exceptions. Our firstborn is so much more well behaved when he is on a schedule and when he has his nap. Then when I got pregnant with our second child, I really need that nap. And the same when I got pregnant a third time.

Our second, J, has begun to realize he is now the middle child and getting less of my undivided attention than ever before. He screams when I leave him at school, naptime, bedtime ...oh and now at pick up time too! Now tell me, why in the world he would fake-cry at pick up time? If daddy puts him down at nap time, J slept almost 3 hours but then 1 hour for me! Oh and then I catch me eldest son, D, downstairs eating chips! And this entire time the baby has been sleeping for 5 min then fussing until I help her get back to sleep.

I guess it's about time that I give up my nap! And I think I can do it if baby T will only wake up once a night jan stead of twice. She is slowly beginning to sleep a 5 hour stretch (some nights). She went in for her 1 month appointment last Friday and already weighed 10 pounds!

Speaking of doctor's appointments, I feel like we are constantly going -- today it was for our dog Lily. She is healthy, just past due for her annual shots. And I got het some medicine for her 'crazies.' Yes, our dog is crazy! She is a very sweet border collie, but is very obsessive since she hurt her leg in 2010, coincidentally around the same time our first child was born. Lily was not allowed to run at all for about 6 months and began to obsessively lick and destroy anywhere she saw light flickering. I know that she needs more exercise, but even after a long walk or run she will lick/ destroy an area where the light flickers. She was also bit in 2008 by another dog and gets scared and aggressive around other dogs. It scares me to take Lily on a walk with all my kids because she growls at other dogs and may instigate a dog to attack. So, all this to say she is not exercised like she should be. Maybe this should motivate me to get up early and run her... But so far sleep is still winning. 

And thinking about exercise, that is really a goal of mine. I would like to lose 10 pounds to be back at my pre-pregnancy weight but I have a hard time losing it while breastfeeding. Maybe because it's hard to run until after a feeding, maybe my body just wants to hold onto it for reserves, or maybe I am just hungry. But whatever the reason I really would like to, but I will be ok if it takes awhile as long as I can find a time to exercise. Any suggestions when to exercise with 3 kids around? And my other problem is that my abdominals split during my pregnancy and I'm not sure how to be careful with them - so I've been trying to research that.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Recent Recipes

Dairy-free Chocolate Chocolate- Chip Banana Bread 

3 ripe bananas mashed
1/3 cup coconut oil
3/4 cup coconut sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla

1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour 
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup semi sweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 and grease a loaf pan. 

Mix bananas, oil, sugar, egg, and vanilla.

Mix dry ingredient separately. Flour, cocoa powder, salt, baking soda, baking powder. 

Slowly add dry ingredients to wet and mix. Stir in chocolate chips. 

Bake for 45min.

Quick Smoothie

1 cup Frozen fruit - tropical blend (strawberry, mango, papaya, pineapple)
1 cup Spinach
1/3 cup Coconut almond milk blend
2/3 cup coconut yogurt (any flavor)
2 tsp chia seeds

Blend well

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

New School

Today is my boys' first day of preschool in Las Vegas. It was so hard for me to leave them in a new place with new people. I'm glad there wasn't any tears, well at least not from their side. My oldest was totally thrilled to be at 'school' and immediately went in and was saying 'wow, look at this!' He is such an outgoing little boy! J was a little bit more nervous and has been having a really difficult time saying goodbye to anyone, since Miss T was born. Especially when daddy leaves for work, J will run after him to get more hugs until I have to hold him. Thankfully, Miss T slept in her car seat during the whole drop-off procedure. And daddy made bacon, blueberry pancakes, and coconut whipped cream for the boys special breakfast. Mmmmm As J was finishing eating he began to put bacon in his sock! I guess the kid was trying to find a way to save it for later! HA

Also, Miss T is 4 weeks old today! Time is slipping by way too quickly. She slept 5 hours 3 times last week, but stopped this weekend. And on Sunday I woke up with a 100 degree fever and awful pain on my right breast-- yep, mastitis. I was achey and had chill all day but decided to wait and call the doctor on Monday to see how serious they thought it was. I had been trying lots of home remedies over the past few weeks: shower, pumping, massage, lavender essential oil, heat, ice packs, varying nursing positions- but nothing helped. The doctor's office fit me in yesterday afternoon, and good thing because the infection was beginning to spread, and I still had the 100 degree fever. So now I have to remember to take antibiotics every 6 hours! I can barely remember to take a daily vitamin. One good thing that came out of this is that -- the doctor went ahead and cleared me to start swimming! Wohoo - It is SO HOT in Vegas! Now to find a swimsuit... I'm thinking peplum tankini to hide my post baby belly. I love the one at Anthropologie, but it is on backorder till the end of July. I'm thinking I'll just go hit up Target :)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

3 Weeks Already

Our sweet baby girl is 3 weeks old already! Last week I had my first day at home alone with all 3 kids- and I'm not going to lie- I was a little scared to leave my house! It was 104 degrees and I don't want to have baby in the heat at the park... although the boys would love to play in the fountains. What if one boy runs off, or when I need to help J in the bathroom but am trying to feed T. I know I will have to deal with all of these issues and more, but I'm just not ready- not yet. T slept most of the morning in her bassinet in my room, which has been great, but I am going to need to start organizing activities if we are going to be staying around the house a lot this summer. At least my mother-in-law has graciously offered to take the boys swimming/ to the park lots this summer! And the boys will both be starting pre-school classes soon- which I am sure they will love. 

The newborn stage is difficult, but I really love it. I wish I could just hold her all the time and do nothing else. It's mostly what I did these past few weeks, but I know that my boys need me now to be present. It is hard waking up to feed her in the middle of the night, but I always miss it once it is gone. Kids grow up so quickly, and my boys are very independent. Which makes it feel great to be so needed for now in this baby stage. Also, we know that this is our last child...which makes this time even more precious. I don't want her to grow up, but I am excited to see her personality and do non-baby activities some day. But, for now I am excited to try a mommy & baby yoga class, take all the kids to the beach, and enjoy this last year with all my babies before the oldest starts kindergarten in 2015. Wow, what a big transition that will be and I get anxious just thinking about it. 

These are some of the pictures we got taken when T was only 6 days old. I love that we were able to get newborn photos of her. We waited with the boys till they were 3 months to get professional pictures taken, but I knew that I couldn't wait with this one since it this is my last baby.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Tori Arrived May 13th

Victoria Hannah Trevino 'Tori' arrived on May 13th at 4:16am. We were in total shock that we had (have!) a girl! She weighed 7 lb 6 oz and 19.5in. long. I had weeks of early labor and by her due date of Monday, May 12th I was exhausted and ready to hold my baby. I went into the hospital at 10pm that night, and was ready to order the birthing tub. I was in and out of the tub all night, but the water felt great and I would truly recommend it to anyone who wants to have a natural birth. I was also able to labor with my bag of waters in tact until pushing which I really think helped keep my pain level down. After Tori was born, I was able to hold her for several minutes before I got to check her gender for myself-- and I was shocked and SO very excited to meet my baby girl. And daddy was in complete awe! Then she snuggled with me in the water for a long time after that while daddy poured water over her head to keep her warm. She never cried when she was born, it was so peaceful and calm. 

This is our first COMPLETE family picture taken May 13th at around 9am. I honestly know that our family is complete and we couldn't be more happy to add a baby princess! 

These pictures were taken May 14th as we left the hospital at 11am. 

These are just some pictures that I wanted to take to have for myself after seeing some like this -- probably on Pintrest. The top picture was taken on May 10th and the bottom picture was taken May 14th. 

These are Tori's big brothers- that love their sissy!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Waiting for Baby

I am 4 days away from my due date and waiting for baby to make his/her appearance. I feel ready for labor and have been nauseas and then not, cramping then not, achey then not. I'm just waiting for the real thing... any moment now. I had no plans this week- which was good and bad. I don't think I could have handled much, yet I am still trying to get out. I walked the boys to the park almost a mile away this morning, and then back home up the hill. I swung at the park... hoping today is the day. If nothing else, the walk wore me out and I was able to nap well today while the boys napped. Speaking of the boys, they are still asleep! The walk to the park was definitely worth it!

We have packed our hospital bags. 
Mine includes:
nursing bras
coming home outfit- summer dress
bathroom bag - to be grabbed at the last minute

hubby's bag:
change of clothes 
gym shorts
baby boy coming home outfit
baby girl coming home outfit
yellow footie pajamas
yellow hat
1 baby blanket
car seat

I am looking forward to writing another post -SOON- announcing the birth of our baby!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Baby-Ready T0-Do Lists

Oh my- I think I just realized that I am going to have a baby any day now and that I am so NOT ready! Yes, I have completed all the items on my to-do list and have just been making up more to keep me busy, but still I don't think I'm ready. With #1, I was sure that I was ready! But, I have learned that you are NEVER really completely ready for the change that baby brings into your life. 

My recent to-do list before baby arrives is to: 

chevron curtains and baskets
sound machine (needed with 2 loud boys in this house)
pacifiers (neither of my boys used them, but they seem like a good idea…)
Ring sling (I borrowed a friend's for baby #2 and it was so useful on the go)
white crib sheets & changing pad cover (to match current decor)
dishwasher basket for bottles (dishwasher in the rental house does not have an enclosed basket)
Newborn diapers and wipes (no explanation needed!)
Nursing accessories (new pump tubing, milk bags, nipple pads)
Coming home outfit for a boy and girl (we still do not know the gender!)
*nursing bras
*knobs for dresser 
*goat cheeses (---assuming this baby will have MSPI like my other 2)

wash car seat cover
wash swing seat cover
wash pack-N-play bassinet piece
wash bottles
wash newborn and 0-3 month clothes and blankets 
sort gender neutral and boy clothes… just in case
sew crib skirt
finish projects for the boys rooms (paint letters, sign, hang pictures and decor)
print and hang family pictures along stairs
send check and contract out for birth tub rental 
*make mobile
*decorations for baby's room (waiting to know the gender and name)
pack hospital bag
*pack toiletries for hospital bag

Honey-Do list:
clear out garage (enough to fit family car)
hang TV upstairs
secure bookshelves to wall
disconnect doorbell
*hang pictures 
hang stuffed animal net
adjust rug in playroom and living room
hang mirror over dresser in master bedroom
move all cleaners to the top shelf in bathroom closet
fix tp holder in boys' bathroom
fix towel bar in master bathroom
put all medicine in top of hall closet 
assemble baby's dresser (IKEA)
*wire hide in place for 2 TVs

              * items still needing completion 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Full Term & visiting 'The Vegas Strip'

It has been pretty busy around here the last few weeks! I haven't gotten so bored at the end of this pregnancy like I did with my other two! Before I always had everything ready by the time I was 37 weeks, and then I was so bored for the remaining time. I am trying to pace myself, but I have washed all newborn and 0-3 month baby boy clothes and finished sewing the bedskirt this week. Curtains and rod have been hung, the crib re-painted white, an Ikea dresser assembled, and the changing pad cover bought. I also bought some matching drawer pulls for the dresser, but the remainder are ordered and will get here next week. And I still need some decorations for the walls, but I will delay till we know the gender! Which I still cannot believe that we don't know! I keep having dreams that it's a girl, no, it's a boy! 

Last weekend, we had a wonderful Easter! Hubby and I got to go down to The Strip on Saturday night to see one of his childhood friends and her husband that were in town for their anniversary. The boys had a sleepover at Mima and Papa's house. We hung out at the Chandelier Bar at the Cosmo and went to the 'secret pizza' place before heading home. We made it home by 11pm which was plenty late for this very pregnant lady! Then Easter Sunday we went and visited a new church. D and J sat with us since there was no childcare for Easter services and I was so worried about them being loud, fidgety, and generally disruptive. I'd like to say that I prayed about it and felt better, but it had to have been hubby's prayers because the boys did wonderfully! J slept during the entire sermon! And D did so well! We never even had to leave the sanctuary. Then we headed over to eat an amazing brunch that Mima prepared. Then the boys went on an Easter scavenger hunt prepared by hubby's brother and girlfriend. It was so cute with pictures for each new candy hiding spot. Then the boys went for a swim before nap time. After naps, we took the boys up to the community egg hunt and then decided to swim again. What a busy day it was! And a wonderful time celebrating Easter with family! 

Last night, I headed down to The Strip again to visit my childhood friend and some of her girlfriends that she was in town with to see Brittany Spears. I drove down to The Strip by myself and found my car again- for which I was quite impressed! We ate tapas and paella at Julian Serrano at Aria. The paella was wonderful and it was fun to try some other tapas! 

I had a great time visiting The Strip to see some friends, but I think that I am done in casinos for awhile and would much rather be at home when I do go into labor!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Settling In

We've been in our new house for 10 days! And D has already asked when we are moving again?! And it was asked in a positive way stating that he was "ready for a new house." We are starting to feel settled other than still not having a mailbox key! We should get that tomorrow. 

Tuesday night after J ate dinner at Mima and Papa's house, he pushed back in his booster seat and sent his barstool flying back. The back of his head hit the marble floor and he seemed pretty 'woozy.' We decided to go areas and take him up to the ER. J cried hard for over an hour which is very unlike him. The doctor wanted a catscan because the fall was 'from higher than standing.' And he also got an x-ray of his neck because he kept grabbing it and crying whenever he moved it much. But at 12:30am we were notified that all tests had come back normal and we were officially discharged. It was a very long night, but I was so thankful that our little J bug was ok! And we were so thankful that D didn't have to come to the ER with us and could just stay at Mima's and Papa's. I don't think Vegas could really of felt like home until we went to the ER!

Then we took the boys in for a pediatrician appointment on Thursday morning and D had to get 2 vaccines for his 4-year-old appointment. He did great! He was the most upset about having his hands held down! He yelped and then laughed with each poke. J didn't get any shots this time. I'm glad we met the doctor and liked him because we will be seeing him a lot more often once the baby is here! 

I also went to a chiropractor this week and it felt great, but she doesn't really use her hands at all just the tool to adjust. She also did some electrode test to my back that was expensive, and I didn't feel was necessary. I'm sure she will just use it to tell me I need to come back in. I really think that going to the chiropractor while I was pregnant with J contributed to my quick and easy labor. So now I am searching for one for the end of this pregnancy!

Thursday and Friday evenings we went swimming at Mima and Papa's! Then Saturday we went to brunch at the Red Rock Casino ($6.99 per person over 2 with member card). They had a wonderful omelette station with very fresh ingredients! Mmmmm and of course lots of pancakes, French toast, waffles, bacon, sausage, fruit, donuts and muffins that the boys loved. Afterwards we made our big Costco run to get lots of frozen meats, berries, etc. 

Today, we made it to church! We tried out Shadow Hills Church on a recommendation. We enjoyed it and I even saw 2 women there from BSF! Afterwards we were planning to go to Trader Joes or to buy J some sandals, but then hubby suggested Container Park. I'm glad he did because it was so fun and just perfect weather. There was an amazing gated play area for the kiddos with a huge treehouse and slides. Then we had lemonade, bought jerky, and had lunch. The nachos and tacos were very fresh and reasonably priced. Now for a big nap for everyone! 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

We made it!

We made it to Vegas and so did all our furniture! We have had a very busy last few weeks! We did not have any internet the last week in our apartment, but maybe that actually helped to get all our packing done for our move last Friday. Then, last Saturday I flew alone with my 2 & 4 year old boys to Vegas. I was quite nervous about the trip (being 34 weeks pregnant!). It went pretty well for the most part for 2 reasons (1) 2 year old did not realize that he could unbuckle himself! and (2) Frozen (what a great movie)!

Since arriving in Vegas, we stayed with my in-laws for 3 nights and then Tuesday night we moved into our house. Monday we bought 2 twin beds -to be stacked into bunk beds at a later date. Then Tuesday, the boys went to gymnastics classes and the local recreation center, and in the afternoon I had my first ob appointment with the doctor that will deliver baby #3. Wednesday morning, I took the boys with me to BSF (Bible Study Fellowship), and they loved it, as always. And our furniture arrived today- ahead of schedule! I also took J to a pulmonologist appointment this morning for his asthma and it took forever, but at least the doctor was nice because he is the only pediatric pulmonologist in Nevada. 

Now to put some things away!!! I will attempt to post pictures of our house as I get to the various rooms. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring Break

Last week was spring break for the boys and we had a great time with grandparents in town! Spring break doesn’t mean too much yet since the boys are only in preschool 2 days a week, but we still took the opportunity to have some extra fun. My dad and his wife (grandpa and gram) came in town Tuesday till Saturday. We actually didn’t do anything much during the week except love on grandpa and gram and wear them out! D practiced riding his new bike that he got from Mimi for his birthday. It has 18 in. wheels and he can’t touch the ground, but man can he go fast! And J practiced the art of running from mommy! No, but he really is getting fast especially for this 8 month pregnant mama!

We all went on to dinner on Thursday to La Hacienda. It was our second time to this Mexican restaurant and we enjoyed it as much as the first. We sat outside this time and it was a little breezy, but they had heat lamps. We got a big order of fajitas to share. (I’m really going to miss Tex-Mex after we move away.) The boys also went to play at the playground before the food arrived, but poor J got pushed down by a bigger kid and didn’t really want to play anymore. And then I took them back to the playground after dinner, but he was still hesitant until I escorted him.

Then over the weekend we went to Seaworld! We had still been promising D we would take him to Seaworld since it was too rainy to go on his birthday. We arrived at 10am when the gates opened and first went to the Sesame Street Bay of Play area and let the boys play, D and Gram rode a ride and we watch the Sesame Street characters’ performance. Then we went to the sea lion show and the Shamu show. The boys downed a turkey leg, sausage and all the snacks I brought (applesauce, granola bars, breakfast bars, fruit snacks, juice).

The boys had so much fun, and we planned to leave around 1 pm when we they usually nap, but they both fell asleep in the double stroller at the same time! Amazing- that has never happened and I even took some photographic proof! 

Then we tried to make another show but it was full… so back to the kids’ area for more rides. Daddy and D did the roller coaster and J and I went on the carousel. D definitely loved the roller coaster the best and it will be so fun to take him to a big amusement park someday! And then right before we left, I decided to let the boys run and play in the little kids water area, even though it was a little cold. (I had brought them extra clothes just in case.) They loved it and played for about 15minutes until J’s jeans were so wet they were starting to slide off his little bottom! What a fun day, wish we had more time to go back again!

And last of all, Sunday we took the boys up to Natural Bridge caverns. It was only about a 30 min drive and we were some of the first people to arrive. Daddy carried J in the Ergo backpack, which totally worked out perfect for the steep, wet slippery floor of the cave. D loved it- he is always talking about caves. I think it’s from the book ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.’  D did really great and went slow inside the cave and was careful- we were really proud of him. I think the boys just tempt each other so much to be rowdy that taking away one’s opportunity calms the other down.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

D turned 4

My baby turned four! We had a wonderful weekend, although it was rainy and overcast the whole time. We love our oldest son so much and are amazed by his love, generosity and understanding. He is the sweetest big brother ever! We love him to the moon and back a thousand times over!

My mother-in-law, Mima, came into town on Thursday evening. The weather was nice enough out on Friday to go to the park. We went back to Phil Hardburger Park- at D’s request and both boys were totally worn out afterwards.  

On Saturday, we planned to go to Sea World to celebrate D’s birthday but the rain started even before the park opened. It has rained every year on D’s birthday! I guess that is spring in Texas! We decided to skip Sea World and head to Chuck E Cheese. We met Mimi and Uncle B there at 10am. The boys had a great time playing all the games, at least they found it very exciting since we have only been two times before. We decided to go to Pasha afterwards because the boys always love their bread and dips and we though both grandmas would love it. The boys took great naps and then Uncle B went back home to Houston.

D’s birthday on Sunday began with chocolate chip and marshmallow pancakes and bacon! The rain continued and we watched movies with Mimi and Mima and we even tried to go to the park for a few minutes. I made a homemade strawberry cake for D at his request and I think it turned out pretty good. I had a really hard time finding a recipe online for a strawberry cake from scratch, so I sort of used a few different ones and winged it. I did make it with real sugar and flour, but I feel better not using overly processed cake mixes with dyes. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Vegas or BUST

We are moving Las Vegas! My hubby's family owns Dot Vegas and is ready to begin selling domain names this summer and hubby has been recruited as the CIO! We are thrilled at the opportunity and will be moving immediately... well almost, at the end of March. 

I will be 34 weeks pregnant with baby #3 at the time of the move and have been very hopeful about securing a water birth option. And I was able to get Las Vegas's water birth ob, Dr. Steven Harter, to accept me as a patient! I have an appointment on April 1st, and I already feel so much better that I know with who and where I will give birth.

I have the boys enrolled in a preschool in Vegas--- which was actually difficult because there is not a Mother’s Day Out program at every church. And there is not a church on every corner…like in Texas! The biggest downfall to the preschool I have chosen is that it requires –UNIFORMS- for 2 year olds. Maybe this sounds like a good idea to some people, but my oldest son likes to pick out what he wears. And he likes to wear orange, sometimes all orange! Uniforms are khaki, navy, black, white- oh so boring.

Even more exciting is that we have rented a house! Our lease starts in 5 days, but we won’t be there for another 20 days! Our house is out in west Last Vegas in the Summerlin area. It is actually near the home my hubby sold back in 2005 before moving to Fort Worth.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

J's Hospital Stay

I have been quiet for a week now and never intended to wait so long to post again, but we had a crazy weekend. And by crazy- I mean awful. (Warning- this is a LONG post!) Last Thursday evening, our youngest son, J, began sneezing and then Friday it had progressed into a little cough. Now, this is nothing new with a 2 year old and the insane amount of colds they get in a year, but J has asthma induced by respiratory viruses. We started him on the nebulizer Friday, but he had a pretty tight cough that night and slept with daddy in the recliner the second half of the night. Then Saturday morning, J was doing pretty well. He went to swimming class and then ate well at lunch and went down for nap. When he woke up at 3pm he started wheezing and had a tight,dry, unproductive cough. We gave him steroids for the wheezing and a triple dose on his nebulizer to stop the cough, and he seemed ok and had 95 oxygen (which is good). For reference, below 93 oxygen is bad and requires a hospital visit. 

So we decided to go ahead and all go do a little bit of grocery shopping. Hubby wanted to go check out the 'other' HEBplus that we hadn't been to visit. On the way we noticed that the freeway had a lot of traffic to return and were hoping it would be gone by the time we left the store. We were a lost in the new store and wandered back and forth looking for the things on our list, but having to sort of zig zag back and forth to grab things we missed. Well, J was getting a little fussy with the speed of our shopping and we could tell his cold was still bothering him and could still hear his wheeze. Daddy began to worry about J when he held him on the way to a bathroom break and suggested that we stop shopping and go home. I was unsure if we needed to leave and wanted to just get the fruit & veggies before we left. So daddy and D, went to get the bread we had forgotten while J and I went to the produce section. J was sitting in the cart and holding a baggie for me while I grabbed various fruits and veggies, but then he started having a fit. I picked him up and his chest sounded awful and I began to panic. I began heading toward the checkout and hubby called my cell phone looking for us. When he found us, he saw the look in my eye he could tell we needed to leave. Every isle had 3-4 customers in line, so we abandoned our full cart and hurried to the car.

I strapped J in and was so worried about him. Thankfully our older son, could tell we were panicked and hurried along.  I immediately thought of the traffic on the freeway and knew that we should NOT head that way to a hospital. T checked traffic and decided to head a little in toward town on the back roads to Children's Methodist. A hospital that I hadn't even been by and hadn't previously verified was on our insurance. We began heading that way regardless and the back roads seemed like forever with all the stoplights, but at least we were moving. 

Upon arrival at about 5:30pm, T dropped J and I off at the door to the emergency room while he parked the car with D. There was a line of about 12 people just to check in! I took J around the line and up to the window to let them know he was having an asthma attack and needed to get some oxygen now! The nurse reached her arm through the window and placed an oxygen sensor on J's big read ..84..85...and 88. The nurse immediately escorted us to a triage room where 2 nurses began to do a saline rinse on J's nose so that he could get more oxygen, while the doctor came in and got information from me. Then J got hooked up to oxygen with a tube in his nose and taped to his face. Soon afterwards, daddy and D came in the room. We were still waiting on a nebulizer treatment to help open his airways. They placed him on continuous nebulizer for an hour and he was still struggling and causing his sides to retract when he breathed. So again, he was placed on continuous nebulizer for an hour. Then he was sounding better, but still struggling and each breath caused a sinking at his collarbone and sternum with each breath. The doctor said that was all she did at the ER for asthma patients and that he would now need to be admitted to the hospital. This was about 10pm.

J began a third continuous hour on the nebulizer and daddy and D headed home to get some rest. We stayed in the ER room, because all pediatric rooms were full at that time. The hospital doctor came to visit us and recommend that J be given some magnesium for his continued wheezing. So J was then going to be placed on IV to be given magnesium and steroids along with saline. I hated that J had to be put on the IV, but the hospital staff is all very insistent that it was necessary- mostly if an emergency arose but I saw it just as procedural. I acquiesced, but then was told that I could not hold him because I was pregnant. Oh, I about lost it and called hubby to come back to the hospital to hold J while he was stuck with the IV. This was 11pm. I felt awful as hubby and D were just getting tucked into bed, but I also felt awful for J to go through such trauma alone. The IV insertion was awful and was pushed so far into J’s tiny had that I was cringing. After that D and I left to get some sleep. They also began J on a course of Singular and Flovent for his asthma.

D and I got in bed by about 12:30am. J had another hour nebulizer. I woke up at 5am freaking out and wishing I was at the hospital. J had woken up during the night with daddy and had a freak out, hitting, kicking, pulling wires, screaming, crying and as much as I hated not to be there it was probably best that daddy was there to use his strength to hold J. D woke up at 8am and we hurried into the hospital with snacks from our pantry to supplement J’s breakfast. J had not been allowed to eat the night before because of his dry cough. J had eaten a few bites of sausage and eggs and then a breakfast bar. Daddy and D left to go back home while I got to spend the day with my baby. J was doing much better although his chest was still tight. He was on the nebulizer with the respiratory therapist every 2 hours and would be released once he could be weaned to every 4 hours.

J slept from about 11:30am-1pm and through a nebulizer treatment. My mom flew in that day at about 2pm and hubby and D picked her up at the airport. She left daddy and D at home to nap and came to visit J at the hospital and bring me lunch and J a snack.  Shortly after, J was transferred to the ‘flex’ area in the pediatric hospital because they needed the ER room. At J’s 2 pm nebulizer he was taken off oxygen and then at the 4pm nebulizer was reduced to treatments every 3 hours. Daddy brought D back up to the hospital and 6pm and brought everyone dinner of El Pollo Loco- surprisingly delicious! J had another respiratory treatment at 7pm, but via an inhaler instead of the nebulizer. I didn’t realize that they weren’t doing both and had T insist that they continue using the nebulizer since I was unsure if J was really getting anything from the inhaler.

Then D, my mom, and I left to go home for bed. J was then transferred rooms again into the actual hospital and daddy had to insist that J be offered the nebulizer instead of the inhaler. At the next respiratory treatment between 2-3 am, J was doing so well keeping his oxygen rate up while asleep that they pulled the taped on oxygen mask off his face while he slept- and of course that hurt and woke him up screaming! Why oh why this respiratory therapist thought that it was urgent or appropriate to pull tape off the face of a sleeping toddler, I will never know! Daddy told me how sweet his overnight nurse had been trying to calm him with toys that J just threw and broke because he was just tired.

By morning, J was feeling great and ate most of his sausage and egg breakfast. I arrived at about 8:30am with breakfast for daddy and J, but J was full and I was glad to see that he was eating well. Now, we were just waiting to see the doctor and be dismissed. J’s nurse was very sweet and continued to look for J’s doctor because it was pretty clear he was ready to go home! The doctor arrived after lunch at about 11am to check on J, and discharged us. We had to wait for all of our discharge papers and left the hospital at noon. J fell asleep quickly on the ride home and had a wonderful nap in his own bed.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Moving Up

We moved into our THREE bedroom apartment this past Saturday- and the boys are already beginning to sleep better. As much as I want them to room together, they get so much more rest apart. Movers came for about 2 hours on Saturday morning to help hubby move the big stuff, and I just watched the move from the patio with the boys. It's so hard for me to not help move boxes, but my baby bump is getting in the way! 

Oh and more on that-- at my first midwife appointment last week, I was informed that my abdominals have separated. Probably because I did help (carry boxes) on the move from Fort Worth to San Antonio. So I have really been restricted now. I have to watch the boys but also try to not lift them! I take J the bathroom constantly and am lifting him onto the stool and of course I'm doing it improperly and just bending at the waist. How does one bend the knees to pick up a toddler a foot off the ground? I'm trying and I look pretty hysterical. So I'm hoping I don't damage my abdominals further and cause a "mummy tummy" in which one looks 5-6 months pregnant for the rest of their life! 

Then Sunday, we went to church and went to check out the Central Market in town- about a 20 minute drive. I love their food, but this location is just not the same as Fort Worth and we were really nostalgic for 'home.' We ate there after shopping and both boys fell asleep on the way home. Fine for J, he is still easily moved in his sleep. But D, oh no he still had to walk himself and open the door with the key and by then he was no longer tired. I think he finally did fall asleep but not until he wound back down. Then we met a group of young families from the church at the park. It was an amazing park, Phil Hardberger Park, but a different area than we had been to before. The boys loved playing on the playground, snacking, and playing with some other kids from their preschool class at church. 

And now after getting we have been faced with some pretty big life decisions that are unfolding quickly and we have been trying to keep on top of! I will update on that soon!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hubby's Birthday

More Restaurants, we -of course - went out some more for hubby's birthday! On Sunday night, we went to Dough with the boys and hubby's parents. We ate: 

Mozerealla and Burrata Bar


The Rollatini, Richard’s Caprese, 
Burrata & Prosciutto, flatbread


Vegetables, olives, cured meats, cheese, flatbread



House-pulled mozzarella, Fontina, Parmigiano Reggiano, garlic, extra virgin olive oil, sage


Mozzarella di Bufala, tomato sauce, Parmigiano Reggiano, Bluebonnet Farms basil


Prosciutto di San Daniele, house-pulled mozzarella, arugula, truffle oil, Parmigiano Reggiano

Everything was amazing and I can't wait to go back! We did have about a 45 minute wait at 6pm on Sunday night which we were not expecting, but I guess I'm not surprised now because the food was THAT good. I will want the Burrata and Prosciutto again- it had a perfect pinch of salt (I'm guessing Kosher) and the Arugala and Prosciutto Pizza. I love arugula and this prosciutto was perfect, not 'gamey' at all. This restaurant was also 'farm to table," had a pizza oven shipped over from Italy, and had house-made cheese. They brought out balls of pizza dough for our kids to squash and flatten and let them chooses their own toppings to make a pizza! I would definitely recommend this restaurant to anyone who loves pizza! They have even opened a new location in Dallas.

AND, for hubby's REAL birthday on Monday we went to Thai Chili off of Stone Oak Pkwy. It was our second time at this restaurant since moving here less than a month ago! So yes, we love it and ordered our usual thai favorites of: Chicken Sate, Pad Thai, and Green Curry. It was a late dinner the boys and they were quite tired and squirmy because we had to go after their swim lessons ended at 6pm. This was the boys second week of swim lessons and they are both loving it, and I think they will be even more excited about swimming this summer after these lessons.

Date Night x2

Date Night #1: Valentine's Day was great for hubby and I because we got to spend some time checking out new restaurants in San Antonio! We are both 'foodies' and love to find places that truly care about the food they serve. The first was Barraca: Paella & Tapas Bar. Hubby spent a year in Spain way back when and has familiar memories of eating tapas for dinner and so I thought it would be a fun date night. I think the restaurant just opened less than 6 months ago and the food was amazing! We started with Spiced Almonds and Jamon y Queso. The almonds were great and we kept wanting more. The jamon was smokey and the manchego was soft but delicious. Then on to the main course- PAELLA! There were 3 to choose from and we ordered seafood paella. Neither of us is a fan of oysters and mussels, but from our travels to Spain and Italy we have learned to be open minded and that they can be great. And surprisingly they were! This was the first mussels and clams state-side that hubby and I have liked and we ate everyone knowing they wouldn't keep. And then we had to have desert because after all it was Valentine's Day and I have been constantly craving sweets with this pregnancy! We ordered the special bread pudding- and the carmel sauce that was drizzled on it was amazing, but I did have to request extra since the bread pudding was a little dried out. I would say that we enjoyed Barraca and would return, probably sans children although there were a couple children at the restaurant. I would return to try more tapas, there were SO many, and for the sangria. The sangria was my favorite thing and hubby liked it too.- They offered both white and red with fresh fruit in the glass. So glad that my in-laws decided to come in town and give us a few nights without the kiddos!

Date Night #2: Stella: Plublic House across from Barraca. We saw this place the night before and thought that it looked appealing - one wall is open to the patio and the bar was inside with local beers on tap and it is a "Farm to Pizza" restaurant. My in-laws decided to keep our boys for a second night and we, being 'foodies,' could not wait to go back and try out this restaurant! First we ordered the Wild Mushroom Mac n Cheese with truffle oil and we ate it so fast that I think I said that I wished we had ordered 3 bowls! Then, we ordered Buratta and Heirloom jam as a salad. It came with red potatoes and was delicious, but I was surprised by some type of herb mixture inside the buratta that was unexpected. Next was the real reason we came back - a pizza that sounded exactly like what my hubby has always wished for in a pizza and has tried to order-        

  • tomato sauce, jalapeno cheddar pepperoni, hand-made organic mozzarella, caramelized onions & black olives

YUMMY! Hubby loved the pizza! And then, of course, I had to have desert. We ordered the waitress's suggestion that she said had won 2013 Best Desert- Salted Carmel Panna Cotta. And yes hubby loves salted carmel so much that I think he might have enjoyed this desert as much as I did! I loved this restaurant and would definitely come back. I would re-order the Mac n Cheese and maybe the Panna Cotta but would try a different pizza of my choosing next time! Oh and I forgot to mention what beer hubby was lighter than an IPA (his favorite lately) but it was recommended by the waitress and he was happy with the selection. I love that this restaurant had a seasonal menu with local food and house-made cheeses. We hope to be back sometime, and I think I may bring the boys if we went early enough although I didn't see any children there at 8pm.